Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Give a Gift that Gives Back

In addition to helping to create and run Bellflower Books, I also make and sell jewelry on Etsy donating 100% of the proceeds to a scholarship fund for young women. Before having children I was an art teacher at Maria High School, located on Chicago's south side. Maria is in a pretty bad neighborhood and serves as a daily oasis of sorts for many of the young women who attend. By selling jewelry to raise tuition money, I am hoping to give more girls the opportunity to attend school where they are truly cared for, appreciated and encouraged to go on to college. I work with Sister Clement, also a former teacher, to pick our recipients and distribute the scholarships. Not only do these scholarships help financially, they also boost the self-esteem of the recipients because we are showing that someone else believes in them!

When you are doing your holiday shopping this year, think about giving a "gift that gives back". Here is the link to my Etsy site, Sweet Charity Designs, and several other Etsy sites who are also committed to giving back a large portion, if not all, of their proceeds!

Shopping for Charity on Etsy!

Sweet Charity Designs - Art Helping to Educate - Handmade jewelry from freshwater pearls and natural stone. 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Maria High School Scholarship Fund.

BIC Bands - Adorable fabric headbands, proceeds going to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

One Gift One World - Where giving is at the heart of the art! - Extremely whimsical and unique gift items. I am in love with their ornaments benefiting the Arbor Day Foundation!

Going to the Dogs - Beautiful handmade jewelry. 100% of the proceeds go to helping animals at the Lakes Area Humane Society in Alexandria, MN

Painting Well - A way of living and giving - This artist donates 100% of her profits to cancer research. I have been a customer of hers for a while and absolutely love her work. Her paintings are all created to easily fit into store bought frames and make lovely gifts!

Lefft - This shop features darling handmade cards and other gifts. I especially love the holiday designs! The artist here is a cancer survivor and donates all of her profits to families fighting childhood cancer.

Future Leader 78 - Future leaders of Ghana - This artist is a 3rd grade teacher who loves crafting and travels to Ghana often to bring supplies, provide lunch, train volunteers and help to improve 4 impoverished schools in Ghana. Pretty amazing! She offers a fun variety of products. I especially love her "Adventure Book".

Gifted Hands NYC -The mission of Gifted Hands is to provide marginalized and broken people in New York City the opportunity to participate in a therapeutic and recreational art program that contributes to their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. As a former art teacher, I absolutely love this concept. The jewelry they create is from high quality materials and absolutely beautiful!

Wild Strawberry - The proceeds from these original photographs and handmade gifts are donated to Engineers Without Borders. Engineers Without Borders creates opportunities for rural Africans to access clean water, create income producing family farms and have improved access to the services they need to improve their lives.

AWBAR - Abandoned Wild Babies Animal Rescue- What is there not to love about this organization? If you are an animal lover, you will really appreciate these darling cards. I especially loved the squirrel. 100% of the proceeds are for the animals!

Apache Moon - Jewelry for the joy of it!- I love this extremely artistic jewelry and I love even more that 100% of the proceeds go to helping animals!

I really enjoyed researching these Etsy shops. If you have the time, send this list on to your friends and take a minute to read the profiles of the artists behind these wonderful shops and products. I found them all to be very inspirational!

And, don't forget, a Bellflower Book is also a "gift that gives back" because a portion from each book sold goes to donating books to the Pink Ribbon Girls!
Happy Holiday Shopping!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Start thinking about giving meaningful gifts for the holidays!

I know the holidays are still two months away, but now is the perfect time to get started on a Bellflower Book for the special person in your life who has everything material and deserves something meaningful.

Last year I worked with my very large extended family to create a book of love and memories for my 90 year old grandmother. This is a photo of us looking at the book together. She is losing her short term memory, so this book has been a wonderful way to remind her on a daily basis of how much her 8 children, 20 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren love her.

Creating my grandmother's Bellflower Book allowed for my family members to share memories and express their appreciation. This book ended up being a gift, not only to my grandmother, but to the whole family. There are multiple copies in circulation and I am so happy that my children will now have photos and documentation of the wonderful time we all spent at my grandparents'.

Seriously, get started on a Bellflower Book for the special person who has truly made a difference in your life and the lives of many others =). It would be hard to give a better gift than heartfelt words of love and appreciation! Learn more at www.BellflowerBooks.com!

Use the code HOLIDAYSPECIAL to save $20 on your order. It expires December 31st!